the joy of zero: 5 easy steps to a clean inbox

Zero Inbox

today is a good day – that is, i have found the joy of zero. that is right, the joy of the zero inbox. now that is not to say that i have never been there before (well i do not mean to brag but it is a regular thing for me). it has taken me years to perfect this method (i even posted about it a while back).

so the method that i have produced is very simple and very compelling. in fact i can guarantee that my method will work for anybody1. this method is built on three principles that are important to understand: i am inherently lazy (like most humans); i like categorization (like most humans); i don’t like dealing with my email (like most humans). with that in mind i have developed this methodology through trying things that don’t work. now i found something that does.

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a guide to understanding my bitstrip humor


i have gotten multiple comments that the bitstrip comics i post are hard to understand or that the humor is not apparent. well that is fine and dandy as it gives me an excuse to write a blog post. for the un-initiated, bitstrip is a social application that allows you to create a cartoon avatar of yourself and places you and connected friends who use the service together in interesting comic situations with several nifty customization features (mostly text).

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3 steps to enjoy the best coffee from starbucks


i am not a coffee geek. far from it. in fact i am very fond of frankencoffee™ — usually consisting of a package of jimm’s 7-in-1 coffee (mushrooms and all) and burnt espresso from the Logos espresso machine (for more information on frankencoffee™ stalk @Jeffrey_the_Red; for the proper use of the an m dash stalk @davidson_david).

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recently i took a post at logos bible software which, inevitably, meant that relocation to bellingham, wa is a necessity. while the relocation is not yet completed, my family is still in los angeles, i am fully immersed in my new post; back in a familiar world of technology, geekdom and the search for cool: i am back in the business of “web”.

to be sure, the web business suits me well and i seem to suit it equally as well.

it is a fascinating world to exist in; the ultimate goal of web, for business at least, is to make as much money as possible as fast as possible and as often as possible. yet success is measured not just in dollars and cents, but in cool as well. it is great to make money, but doing it in style is what seems to count.

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